
+41 91 935 75 75

Our Location

6807 Taverne, Switzerland.


Industrial packaging

The needs and requirements of industrial packaging differ greatly according to the specific industry by type of packaging, machinability of packages, peculiarities of the product, the storage and preservation needs of goods.

Our main commitment is to propose highly efficient industrial packaging solutions that are also lightweight, recyclable and environmentally sustainable.

Industrial sectors

Our expertise encompasses various areas:

Environmentally sustainable packaging

Packaging is of high quality when it not only meets the functional needs for which it is created, but when it adds value to the product and respects the environment.

Contact us to learn about industrial packaging options that fit your needs.

We are a packaging company devoted to continuous evolution and strive to adapt our packaging solutions to the ever-changing needs of the industry. Sustainability and efficiency are our priorities, enabling us to provide industrial packaging solutions that not only meet customers’ expectations, but exceed them, thus contributing to the success of their products.