Eco-friendly Packaging
Our company cares deeply about protecting the environment and enhancing land resources. The primary materials we use, namely paper and cardboard, come from sustainable cutting and planting cycles, which is why we are proud to say that we produce environmentally sustainable packaging. To demonstrate our commitment to responsible management of forest resources, we have joined the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) forest certification system.

Who has never made a paper airplane? The Guinness World Record reports that the one the paper airplane that flew the highest was made by David Green in Elsworth, UK: it reached 35.043 meters in height (2015 record). The one that flew the farthest, on the other hand, traveled 88.31 meters, at the hands of Dillon Ruble (USA) on December 2, 2022.
The invention of modern printing has a specific date: Feb. 23, 1453, when what is considered the first book in history, the Gutenberg Bible, was printed in a printing press in Mainz, Germany.
Recycling paper seems a fairly recent idea. However, the first book printed on recycled paper was published in 1801. Entitled Historical Account of the Substances that Have Been Used to Describe Events, and to Convey Ideas from the Earliest Date to the Invention of Paper, it was written and printed by Matthias Koops in London. It was a history of the materials used to record information. The second edition of the book bore the caption, "Printed on Paper Re-Made from Old Printed and Written Paper": here was the first known book to be published on recycled paper.
Producing recycled paper requires 30 percent more electricity and 70 percent more water than producing it from the raw material from wood.
Paper can be recycled up to 11 times into different types of papers and boards.
Fun facts about paper
It is estimated that 5% of a tree is used to produce a ream of paper (500 sheets). It is normally ignored that when a tree is cut down, almost all of it is used: every part of it is used to make the
Eco-friendly packaging
La nostra azienda cartotecnica ha a cuore la tutela dell’ambiente e la valorizzazione delle risorse territoriali. I materiali primari che utilizziamo, ossia la carta e il cartone, provengono da cicli di taglio e piantumazione sostenibili: per questo siamo fieri di affermare che produciamo imballaggi ecosostenibili. A dimostrazione del nostro impegno verso una gestione responsabile delle risorse forestali, abbiamo aderito al sistema di certificazione forestale FSC (Forest Stewardship Council).

Comprehensive resource enhancement
It is estimated that 5% of a tree is used to produce a ream of paper (500 sheets). It is normally ignored that when a tree is cut down, almost all of it is used: every part of it is used to derive maximum value.
The wood will be used for home construction and furniture; the pulp (i.e., the thinner part) will be processed to become paper, cardboard and textiles; the branches and tops, along with forest industry residues, will undergo processing into products such as bioenergy, biofuels and other derivatives.
Learn more about our environmentally sustainable packaging and our initiatives to promote sustainability and territoriality